Take this 5-Minute Survey and Help Us Build More Trails!

Take the Survey Here!

Help us get real, concrete information about the locals and visitors who use our trails by filling out this survey! This info will be extremely beneficial in helping us procure funding in order to build more trails in the future.

Information About the Survey

Elizabeth Weiss is a Master’s candidate at Western State Colorado University in the Environmental Management Program. As part of her Master’s project, which is to advocate for bikes as a means of transportation, she is working with Colorado Mountain College to conduct research in the form of surveys on trail usage and bicycling in the community of Salida, CO. The data obtained from these surveys will be provided to local organizations, including Salida Mountain Trails and Salida Parks and Open Trails, to better understand trail usage and the use of bikes for utilitarian and recreation purposes in and around Salida.

The surveys can be taken from now until February 20th either online by going to this link – https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GQLR3K6, or by picking up a paper copy at the following locations: Salida Public Library, Cafe Dawn, Amicas, Absolute Bikes, Subculture Cyclery and the Salida Hot Springs Aquatic Center. Thank you for your participation!

Rider: Greg Heil. Photo: Brinkley Messick
Rider: Greg Heil. Photo: Brinkley Messick