Building, Protecting, Connecting

Our Impact

2023 was an incredible year of growth and progress for SMT. We added to our staff and board, built a new trail, completed 3,000 hours of maintenance (a new high!), and laid the groundwork for impactful projects coming in 2024 and beyond. We also kicked off a countywide trails and conservation plan that will result in even more world-class trail opportunities, all while protecting the land, water, wildlife and natural beauty that make Salida such a special place.

In the report below, you’ll find more specifics about the great work SMT’s staff, board, and volunteers accomplished in 2023. I’ll save some ink and let the following pages speak for themselves.

I am tremendously proud of all that SMT achieved in the past year, and eager to build upon that success in the years ahead.

Happy Trails,

Jon Terbush
Executive Director, Salida Mountain Trails

70 Miles

Trails Stewarded

3,000 Hours

Annual Trail Maintenance

1,270 Hours

Volunteer Trail Work


Trail Trips Per Year

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Providing Word-Class Multiuse Trails In Salida Colorado

Your support gives us resources to expand and improve Salida’s trails!