Next ShinDig Is THIS Saturday!

We will be meeting at 9am this Saturday, October 8 (2016) at the Caboose at the end of North F St. to work on trails in the Frontside / Burnpile area. The goal […]

Lower Lost Trail Re-Benched

Thanks to everyone who came out to our recent July ShinDig! We had 14 volunteers that worked to re-bench on the lower Lost Trail, to improve sustainability and flow. We […]

Next ShinDig Is Saturday, June 11

Our goal for the upcoming June ShinDig is to finish the work that we began in May. Last month, we successfully roughed-in the first–and steepest–half of the connector trail that will […]

Next ShinDig Is this Saturday, May 14

Since our April ShinDig was canceled, the goal for our May ShinDig will be to rough out a connecting trail from the end of the Sweet Dreams trail to the […]

April ShinDig CANCELED

Unfortunately, the ShinDig that was scheduled for this coming Saturday, April 16th, has been CANCELED due to incoming bad weather. We’ll undertake work on the Labyrinth trail during our May […]

Next ShinDig Is this Saturday, April 16

UPDATE: Unfortunately, the ShinDig has been CANCELED due to weather. We’ll undertake work on the Labyrinth during our May ShinDig. Saturday, April 16, 2016, 8:45am  The goal for our monthly […]