May ShinDig and Membership Drive Party

Meet at the F street bridge at 9am this Saturday, May 9th. We’ll be conducting another reroute on the Sweet Dreams trail. After the work day feel free to join […]

April ShinDig Volunteer Day Announcement

The ShinDig for April will take place Saturday April 11th and will focus on the new Sweet Dreams trail. Also known as South Backbone or Sweetwater, this trail contours the […]

Grant Awarded For New Trail Construction

Salida Mountain Trails is pleased to announce the receipt of a $72,350 trails grant from the State of Colorado for construction of a new 3.6 mile section of the popular […]

January ShinDig is cancelled

FYI – We will not have our monthly trail work day for January.  Hope you enjoying the snow up high or the thaw here in town! Stay tuned for our plans […]

Cottonwood Trail – Seasonal Closure

Just wanted to let everyone know that USFS has closed the Cottonwood trail between 181 and 173 for critical big game habitat, December 15 to March 15.  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays […]

SMT Accomplishments, Plans, and Thanks!

We will resume our quarterly volunteer update meetings in early 2015, but wanted to provide a summary of what we’ve done this year and our plans for the future.  First […]